Käre Hans, det är synd att du inte är i Syhra. Jag hoppas att jag kan schemalägga ett nytt Zoom-evenemang snart. När skulle du föredra det och vilken tid och dag?
Lieber Hans, das ist schade, dass Du nicht mit in Syhra sein wirst. Ich hoffe, ich kann dann zeitnah wieder eine Zoom-Veranstaltung benennen. Wann wäre es Dir am liebsten und um welche Uhrzeit und an welchem Tag?
Friday in the afternoon will probably be the best day for me, but I will adapt to other people, who will not be able to participate in the meeting and we can find a time which will suit all? In a way, you are also free to discuss the German translation of FreeGeos, you do not have to be polite to me
Yes, it is a pity I can't come to the meeting, I had actually planned to retire this year, but the government changed the retirement age for my birth year, and added one year. So I will retire next year. Everything would have been much easier, and it would probably not been a problem to come this year, but I am loaded with things to do for the moment, sorry.