FreeDOS 1.3 und GEOS

  • Hallo,

    ich habe PC/GEOS 6 auf dem FSC Futro S400 und dem EeePC 1000HE unter FreeDOS 1.3 getestet. Dabei kam es zu reproduzierbaren Fehlern:

    - GeoZIP stürzte beim Öffnen von Archiven ab,

    - R-Basic ebenfalls mit KR-07, sobald ich eine "ClassicCode"-Anwendung gestartet habe (Edith dagegen lief problemlos:love: ),

    - beim Export nach BMP aus GeoDraw gab es ebenfalls reproduzierbare Abstürze.

    Die Lösung des Problems besteht im Hinzufügen folgenden Eintrages in der FDCONFIG.SYS:


    Damit scheinen das aktuelle "FreeGEOS" und FreeDOS gut zu harmonieren.

    Gruß Thomas

  • Super... das erklärt meine Crashes die ich unter FreeDOS ständig hatte...

  • Standard value for stacks in DOS used to be 9,256. Well, this is a good find. I had exactly the same problems as Thomas, so I will add this setting (stacks=0,0). I had also a somewhat strange graphics distortion error, which affected the 1366x768 64 k resolution in my Lenovo laptop, the screen was off grid, but i managed to fix the resolution with Jörgs monitor settings, by slighly shrink the x resolution to 1336. Later on I found out that it is the jemm386 memory manager that causes the problem. By chance, when testing the Soundblaster emulator and using the included Jemmex, the screen resolution showed up properly to 1366x768. So I switched to use Jemmex, in FreeDOS, instead.

  • Hmmm, if I set stacks=0,0 in fdconfig.sys, I get the off grid error back. When I set the stacks=9,256, the screen image is correct, but Geozip crashes with KR-07 and hangs the computer. However, Rainer's Geozip works flawlessly. I guess there is some issue with memory management in Freedos. I will test jemm386 with stacks=0,0 to see if there is any difference.

  • Very good news! Now I have tested jemm386 in freedos 1.3 with the stacks=0,0. Geozip works. The screen image is correct, no off grid anymore, and I don't have to use Jörgs Monitor Einstellung anymore to correct my screen image. R-Basic works flawlessly, too! Apparently, there is some issue with jemm386 and stacks, maybe a bug? I run ensemble in "bare metal" in Freedos, no emulator.

  • The DHCP worked in the GlobalPC. I have managed to set it up in the GPC. The DHCP settings went into the net.ini. I guess that the use of the net.ini is mandatory as it is not possible to add entries to geos.ini when Geos is running? I have not succeeded in using DHCP in Breadbox Ensemble, so I guess that there might be bugs in dhcp.geo in BBX Ensemble compared to the GPC, or there is something else that differs, like the build of geos.geo?

  • Maybe the DHCP function in the GPC have a connection with the modem use, although I used the packet driver for the internet in the GPC. The NIC was a 8-bit parallell port NIC from Xircom, and it works fairly well compared to a modem connection, regarding speed.