Is it possible to add the choice of font size 11 pt in Preferences -> Appearance -> Font -> Font Size? In my prefered resolution 12 pt gets too big an 10 gets a bit tiny.

11 pt setting in Preferences?
Hm, sounds not so easy. The point sizes shown here are declared in TCtrlC.goh als follows:
Display Moretypedef WordFlags PSCFeatures ; #define PSCF_9 0x0800 #define PSCF_10 0x0400 #define PSCF_12 0x0200 #define PSCF_14 0x0100 #define PSCF_18 0x0080 #define PSCF_24 0x0040 #define PSCF_36 0x0020 #define PSCF_54 0x0010 #define PSCF_72 0x0008 #define PSCF_SMALLER 0x0004 #define PSCF_LARGER 0x0002 #define PSCF_CUSTOM_SIZE 0x0001
We not only have to add a value, but also check and extend the code of the associated controller.
In addition, it is not sure whether the bitmap fonts such as Berkeley will support the 11 pt size.Maybe we can add custom size? But I'm not sure about that.
I would guess the bitmap fonts may be the biggest problem. The fontsizes in Rainer’s file are classical font size and in classical typesetting there weren't 11 pt. Hence probably there’s no 11 pt bitmap font.
Hi Hans.
You can manipulate the geos.ini manually. In the lines fontsize = nn fill in 11. It's not so comfortable but it works.
Well, if this is a big issue, then we can push it for the future or even forget it😩
I have changed it manually in geos.ini, but it seems that when I put it to 11 pt, it shows 10 pt size. I have compared it with 10 pt size, and I can't see any difference. Maybe this setting is by design, and there is no 11pt size, or there is no visual difference, that is why there is no 11 pt setting?
I think we can leave this, at least for the moment, it is better to put the German version together and patch up Geos with the easy updates for a final release.
Maybe this setting is by design, and there is no 11pt size, or there is no visual difference, that is why there is no 11 pt setting?
Usually, when a point size is not supported, the nearest one will be used.
I think we can leave this, at least for the moment, it is better to put the German version together and patch up Geos with the easy updates for a final release.
Oh, forgot to add the new font engine, the ttf support would have a high priority, too!
If I remember correctly, the „Appearance“-setting is limited to the font sizes as supported by the bitmap fonts (see Rainer‘s first reply). That’s because the bitmap fonts are/were the default fonts on some devices (PDAs, …).