Posts by bretttiktin

    ja, die Server gibt es nicht mehr... aber die beiden Dateien von damals schon...


    Johannes Möller I have not seen form factor running since I was 13 years old. I remember the application could be used for keeping records of client information. These records would have been a visual representation of something a professional would do in the field such as a dentist working with the patient. Or a restaurant taking orders. I still have I have included some images of examples of what could've been done with the program in this post. I would love to have it running in breadbox ensemble one day!

    After trying 3 times to install insulin calc I checked my file paths and folders to make sure they're correct, and started from scratch three times. I regret to inform you that insulin when calculator starts I get KR-09. I am unsure of why I'm getting this error as I am not out of memory. Insulin calculator works on HP Omnigo, Tandy Zoomer and Brother Geobook. I'm unsure as why I can't get it to run in Breadbox Ensemble.

    Thank you for the system files. I will add them to the corrct folders this weekend and see if the programs runs on Breadbox Ensemble-Brett

    Dose konnte mit hilfe von Falk korrigiert werden es fehlten [] bei den chunks in strings.goc

    Falk hat auch die Berechnung korrigiert FloatIEEE64ToGeos80 und FloatGeos80ToIEEE64 !

    Der compiler gab unverständlische Fehlermeldungen !

    Nun muss noch kg und Meter zum BMI hinzugefügt werden.

    bretttiktin can You please test the Program and controling the values !

    I will test this on my Breadbox Ensemble to see if runs. The original version of the dose program and insulin calculator I had came on a pcmia card from Frank Fisher, and crashed when trying to have the program run in Ensemble. It would only work on an HP omnigo 100 and Tandy Zoomer PDA. I will definitely get back to you to see if this program works on my end. Thank you so much for compiling the program for me!

    Hello, I have noticed a game called Snake in the beta build of PC/Geos 6. I would like to install the

    Program into my breadbox ensemble that I use regularly. I did not see any .geo files for install. Does someone have a copy of the program files to install it into ensemble? I also have used the program called Dose on my HP Omnigo and Tandy zommer. I do not have these install files as well but I noticed that the source code is available to compile on our repository. May someone please compile the dose program so I can use that program on breadbox ensemble? I would also like to use the snake game if anyone has a copy. Or a copy of Dose. Below attached our screenshots of the dose program files that I would like the completed files to be compiled so I can use them in breadbox ensemble.

    You write that you have a virtual machine with Windows 98? What is the primary operating system on the virtual machine?
    There is a new version of DOSBox called DOSBox Staging, works similar to DOSBox Megabuild, maybe except for the printer support? I have managed to connect.Geos to internet using the modem emulation in DOSBox Staging. I use Ubuntu, but it should work in Windows.and Mac, too, as DOSBox Staging is available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

    Maybe that is something for you?


    My primary operating system for virtual machine is Windows 98. Please send me any directions you have for modem support in DOSBox Staging I have tried the dosbox mega build but it was not working for me

    Hello Hans,
    It is very nice to hear from you again. I do not have a Raspberry Pi yet. My current set up for GEOS is a Virtual Machine with Windows 98 and most versions of PC/GEOS including Breadbox Ensemble, NewDeal Office 2000, NewDeal for Global PC , BrotherWorks 98, Palm connect, NewDeal release 3, HP omnigo SDK and emulator, Nokia 9000 emulator, Breadbox Ensemble Lite, Breadbox Ensemble Demo AOL for DOS Geoworks 2.0 ETC. As I could be missing a few others. This works quite well and I have been using it for many years. The only way for me to connect with the internet with PC/GEOS is my Brother Geobook NB-60 or NB-80c prototype via dial up PPP and Globalhopper. Since my NB-80c is a prototype I would like to keep it in good condition. I am looking for other ways to use the PC/GEOS Web Browser. I go on very simple Web sites that are 3.1 HTML. Maybe Pi/GEOS is not for me. Is there any other ways you can think of to get me on the internet with PC/GEOS and my current setup? If you have any other questions please let me know thank you so much once agian for your help.

    Hello Everyone it's been a while since I have posted here. I now have some free time on my hands. I was wondering if someone could help me out with a Raspberry Pi for use with Pi/GEOS and the internet. Since I have a disability it would be difficult for me to set up a PC/GEOS with internet since it requires some coding. If I could have someone preconfigure a computer with Pi/GEOS installed that would be great I will pay for such a computer. I only have a Wi-FI connection at home for regular internet. Any help is much appreciated-Brett

    Hi Thomas and Hans:
    I have installed Dosbox Megabuild 6. I will take a look at the Dosbox configuration file and make sure the sorce code you send me is included and I will follow the other instructions you have provided me. Hopefully this time it works! stay tuned for further updates!