RBASIC is a trademark of WiNRADiO Communications

  • Hallo

    Die Schreibweisen unterscheiden sich zwar durch das Minus/Bindestrich. Da es sich aber in beiden Fällen um eine Basic Programmierumgebung handelt, könnte es rechtliche Probleme geben.


    Mit RBasic lassen sich Programme für Windows "Software Radio Receiver" sehr schnell verwirklichen. Jedoch auch andere Windows Programme.

    "It is a complete rapid development environment, making it possible to create Windows software, including impressive graphics and multi-windowed applications, quickly and easily. Even if you have never done any Windows programming before, having been put off by the overblown technical jargon and sheer size of the user's manuals that are nowadays supplied with programming languages, you will surely like RBASIC: It is no-nonsense, easy to learn, and does the job very well."
