Posts by hanslse

    Genaugenommen bin ich dabei die vorhanden 8-Bit-Icons in 4-Bit zu wandeln, so wie bei den Voreinstellungen. Und ehe ich mir hier unnötige Arbeit mit obsoleten Icons mache, frage ich lieber mal nach.

    Vom Design her finde ich die auch erhaltenswert. Da die Dateiformate antiquiert sind, würde ich diese eher in einem "Retro AddOn Package" sehen. Aber so weit sind wir noch nicht, von daher bleiben sie erstmal drin.

    hanslse Obviously, there is also no .PCX-Icon. PCX is the raw format for all these pretty monikers in the source tree.

    Look here for some DIY-Icons:

    February 10, 2022 at 9:22 PM


    Thanks, I will take a look. It would be nice to have graphic icons in the same design line as the current gif and jpg icons, at the same time I realise it is "some" work, better spent in other necessary projects. Maybe a "bon-bon" for the future?

    Hallo Bario ,

    Klasse, dass du Dir die Icons vornimmst! Das spart richtig Bits und Bytes!

    Weglassen würde ich tatsächlich auch nichts. Ich hab ja auch immer gern die Axt in der Hand aber wenn ich Falk dann frage geht die Antwort in der Regel in die Richtung: altes bewahren, notfalls umorganisieren und neues hinzufügen.

    Mein PNG Patch liegt ja derzeit bei Falk zum Review. Da ist natürlich auch ein (leider nicht sehr hübsches) PNG Icon für den ISDesk dabei 🙂

    I would suggest that you steal the GIF icon and replace the GIF letters with PNG 🙄😀😀

    Well, it depends in if the files formats are commonly in use? One icon I miss is an icon for the .bmp. I use the generic icon (looks like a painting) for it. I know why there is no bmp icon, and it is because Geos only supports it as an import/export format, no viewer supports it. Still, sometimes it is hard to identify the bmp file in a bunch of generic DOS icons.

    When I look at the screen dumps, it looks like you are using NewUI? Does it work in Motif Redux UI?

    I am using Motif Redux UI, and I am desperatly trying to make it crash in Preferences, but fail. It works well for me in the English version. The text also fits well into the modules. I will switch to NewUi and experiment with the text size.

    Dont worry! Take a deep breath and exhaust. There is no stress. We all need short or long breaks to find the motivation to work on different projects. It is not good to work without proper motivation. We need a happy and vital Sebi, not a burned out one.

    That said by the home made therapist without no charge.


    Hier klappt es.

    Mir scheint, als würde Git manchmal defekte Zip ausliefern. Vor ein paar Wochen hatte ich hier ähnliches geschrieben. Hatte es dann nochmal geladen und dann ging es.

    I have noticed the same thing, now and then, but I think it is the communication during the download that creates the bad zip file. A new download solves the problem. Sometimes it is a problem with the Unzip program in FreeDOS. Unzipping with another program solves that problem.



    Just some thoughts from Eswatini: Maybe a name change of the app to better reflect what it is for? A replacement of the icon? The GeoComm icon is a better image of what is really happening when using the app, but we cant have the same icon for two apps. What do you think of the old GeoComm icon from 1.xx? The one withe the air wires?



    PS. Konstantin, I got the hippo for you.

    Well, GrafCalc is a good name, I think, otherwise a German name/acronym that works in English would be good, too. However, Graf have a German (and Swedish 😀) tone in my ears, the correct spelling is otherwise Graph. This is a very good app that adds something to PC/Geos which is a bit unique in PC computers, at least at this level. Thumbs up for Wilfred for this app!

    I have now unpacked the latest CI again, running it in FreeDOS, bare metal. Character Map loads the default font rapidly. When changing font, to any font in the font list, Character Map crashes, and it crashes Geos so Geos freezes. No error message. The only way to get out of it is to press the power button and turn off the laptop computer. There is a slight improvement, the font list shows the available fonts, previously, the list was just blank before the crash. The same thing happens for me in GeoWrite, when switching fonts.


    Okay, it is in my FreeDOS bare metal PC. I will try to download and unzip it again. I have from time to time, but not very often, running into file corruption error, probably due something "bad" in the unzip process.

    I had one oddity, the screen saver crashed frequently, but when after editing the geos.ini the crash disappeared. I just added the lines to make the window frame smaller, and it does not have anything to do with the screen saver. :huh:


    I was inactive for some days, and I missed this "heated" argument about the color of the icon 🙄😀

    In a way I understand Konstantin, the grey colors make the icon "disappear" or looks inaktive. The same applies for the file tree in the dialog boxes. I guess Geoworks saved resources in the system by designing it this way, but maybe they also wanted to be true to the design guidelines made regarding interfaces from Rank Xerox, with grey, white and black as the basic colors? Look at Apple and MacOS, very consistent, and careful of the color pick in their UI, even if they also did some changes, with adding that fainted blue color in the UI, and the traffic lite LEDs in the window handling.

    I suggest that we try Konstantins proposal making it yellow in the alpha and beta and make a decision later on, at the end of the beta? The same applies for the file tree in the UI.


    Ok, ich sehe ein, dass ich weitgehend unwissend bin :) Ich kannte nicht mal ImageMagick - nur vom Namen her. Im Ernst, vielen Dank für den Link, ich finde ihn sehr spannend, auch wenn ich fast nix wirklich verstehe. Mal sehen, ob ich das irgendwie für mich nutzen kann.

    If you use Webone proxy with WebMagick in DOSBox, ImageMagick are used for the conversion of the graphics from png to gif, in the host computer.

    Mario schick mir die Datei, ich mache das Pixeln... in welche Farbe? ->

    Damals beim "Ensemble 4 deutsch" von "Breadbox" hat John Howard auf meine Bitte hin auch einige Hintergund-Icons "vom Hintergrund befreit" und dann eingebunden.

    What is the smartest way to do it, with less work? I suggest to take the older icons and make them dark grey if they are fewer than the new ones. Or make a test and we can vote, which looks the best.