Beiträge von vvdleun


    Not wanting to write my own installer (yet), I wanted to play with Rainer's Uni Installer Creator ( a bit.

    I downloaded both the Uni Installer and Creator and could successfully install it. I think the installer itself is working fine, I installed some of Rainer's other neat apps/screensavers using it.

    The installer for the Creator adds a blank icon "Install Creator" and when double-clicking it I get a messagebox with the following message "Could not open "Install Creator" because a required system file is missing" (Error Code FM-31).

    I am running it in the latest version of BBE.
    Any idea of what could be wrong?

    Best regards, Vincent


    Thanks for your reply and info.

    The various error messages about relocating memory disappeared after giving my application object a "single instance" flag (so that no more than 1 instance can be active at the same time). Only then I could remove the readonly / shared keywords from my ui-object resources.

    I've some small loose ends to take care of and then I can start working on my second small, but a little bit more ambitious, project.



    Hope you don't mind all my questions ;)

    Yesterday I played a bit with the "DoUserDialog"-function (I'm typing this on another laptop, so can not check the code. Please excuse me if I don't mention the exact name correctly).

    I constantly had errors like:
    Error TEST.GOC 381: Error handle relocation from shared/read-only to unshared/writable segment INTERFACE

    It took me a little while to figure out you can add all kinds of attributes to a resource definition, and after adding "read-only" and "shared" (from the top of my head) it stopped complaining, compiled and ran correctly. But I've a bad feeling about it, because I don't really know when to use what keyword.

    I quickly encountered the "Error handle relocation..." issue again when I wanted to send a shutdown message (can't remember the exact name now) to the Application object. Perhaps my syntax was wrong though, did a quick look and could not find an example. Will try again later and post some code if I can't get it working.

    Can someone shed some light on the correct usage of resources please? Do applications generally create a lot of small ones with exactly the correct attributes?

    Thanks again,


    Rainer, is that a Borland customization? I really seem to remember (but not a lot of my old C code survived, so could not check) I always defined every function in C, always. Perhaps my memory is wrong here though... or I had the wrong habit back then.

    However, I fixed the warnings by adding void to the parameterlist. In theory I will not release anything that I can´t compile with warnings that I don´t understand.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the info, really didn't know about the required (void) parameter! I Will test it.

    It's been quite a long time ago I programmed in C and I never really worked with a Borland C compiler before. Many years ago I taught myself C using Microsfot Quick C and later Power C by Mix Software. Later I (unfortunately) changed completely to Turbo Pascal.


    and keep in mind that you'll have to declare the function before using it (that's C/C++-standard, however in some other programming langauges the order in the file doesn't matter).

    Yes, I am aware of that... that's why I'm puzzled I can't find a definition for GuessDraw in the Hello World app...

    Thanks for your help!

    Best regards,


    One of the things I don't understand is the following:

    In the "Hello World" application described in the SDK, they create a normal C function:

    void HelloDraw(GStateHandle gstate) { ... }

    They call this function in the method that handles the MSG_META_EXPOSED message. And it seemingly works as expected.

    Fair enough. But when I add my own function below GuessDraw, simply:

    void GuessTest() { }

    and call GuessTest() in my own message handler, I get a warning when running PMAKE: "Call to function 'GuessTest' with no prototype in function GuessProcessMETA_CONTENT_VIEW_WIN_OPENED". The code seems to run just fine though.

    I don't see why I get a warnig with my method, while it never warns about HelloDraw, which does as far as I can see exactly the same.

    Before I post code I was wondering if I was missing something obvious here...

    Regards, Vincent


    Getting the window to open in the "correct" size was, of course, easy with the HINT_SIZE_WINDOW_AS_DESIRED hint.

    But still could not get the window to be "unresizable" , so help is stil appreciated.

    Slowly getting the hang of it, today added some interactions, triggers and own messages and handlers to the app. Still tons of questions though....



    I'm a new member. I'm from Holland and recently became interested in studying the Geos SDK. Ulrich pointed me to this forum on the Geos-Talk mailinglist and assured me it's ok to write in English language. Leider ist meine Kenntnisse der deutschen Sprache nicht ausreichend ;)

    To teach myself the Geos SDK, I'm writing a small glorified "Hello World" app.

    I'm having a small issue, I'm sure I'm overlooking something obvious, perhaps someone could help me with it:

    My app should be displayed in a fixed size dialog, in my case there really is no need for resizing. Should be easy, but somehow my efforts failed every time.

    I have a simple object that inherits from GenPrimaryClass. Here I tried specifying HINT_FIXED_SIZE and/or HINT_INITIAL_SIZE hints as documented in the docs, for example
    (HINT_FIXED_SIZE = {SST_PIXELS | 300, SST_PIXELS | 300, 0};
    But these hints seem to be ignored, when starting the application takes the majority of the screen (I have BBE running in 800x600 resolution)
    I can hardly imagine my UI (Motif) would not implement those hints, right?

    Right now the Primary Class is composed of only an object that inherits from the GenViewClass. Its docbounds are hardcoded (GVI_docBounds = {0, 0, 300, 300}. Also the GVI_horizAttrs and GVI_vertAttrs both have GVDA_NO_LARGER_THAN_CONTANT and GVDA_NO_SMALLER_THAN_CONTENT set in order to never show scrollbars.

    What am I missing and/or doing wrong?
    If more code is required I will gladly post it.

    Thanks for your help!

    Best regards, Vincent