Pocket Smalltalk für Nokia 9110 Communicator (Download)

  • Pocket Smalltalk™ IDE is a free open source programming environment that lets developers write Smalltalk applications for Palm Powered™ handhelds, and other small devices.

    Pocket Smalltalk consists of an integrated development environment (IDE) which runs on a variety of platforms (Windows, MacOS, Linux, OS/2, others). It includes a cross-compiler that can generate PalmOS "executable" (.PRC) files from Smalltalk source code.

    Pocket Smalltalk makes it easy to do object-oriented development for Palm Powered handhelds. You have the full power of Smalltalk along with a complete class library. Best of all, Pocket Smalltalk creates small, standalone applications — no runtime libraries are required.

    0.8b 988 kb Zip GEOS PST 0.8 beta for Nokia Communicator 9110.
    Includes PST class library extended for GEOS, documentation, tutorial, IDE and VM sources; does not include Dolphin Smalltalk.


    https://web.archive.org/web/2005121921…PeN/pst9110.zip (einfach GO klicken)


    VM/IDE 0 .8b 988 kb Zip GEOS PST 0.8 Beta for Nokia Communicator 9110.
    Includes PST class library extended for GEOS, documentation, tutorial, IDE and VM sources; does not include Dolphin Smalltalk. Details...