DOSBox Netzwerkzugriff

  • Haste deinen Igel mit GEOS zum Laufen bekommen? Welches Modell ist es geworden?

    Aufgrund Eurer guten Vorarbeit und Erfahrungen hier im Forum ist es ein IGEL 3210 geworden. Bin sehr happy mit dem kleinen Kerl! Habe mir zwei 2GB USB Sticks mit MS-DOS 7 und FreeDOS gebastelt, beides funzt. 2GB sind für GEOS reichlich und man kann noch FAT16 verwenden und damit auch ältere DOSen. Mit GEOS wieder ins Internet gehen zu können, ist mega funky.... :)


  • Hallo,

    damit Ihr etwas schneller zum Surfen kommt - und ich die GEOS-Konfig nicht erklären muss ;) - habe ich eine zu den beschriebenen Setups passende Ensemble Demo zu einem Installpaket geschnürt. Sie kommt mit 2 Konfigurationen daher, die über Icons auf dem Desktop umgeschaltet werden können:

    1. LAN: das ist das Setup aus NPcap + VirtualBox + Squid, beim Ihr nur die IP des virtuellen Ethentadapters konfigurieren müßt und das mit WLAN (aber nur mit dem Browser) funktioniert,
    2. PPP: das Setup mit der coolen Modememulation, bei dem auch FTP & Co. funktionieren sollten, das aber eine(n) Linux VM/PC braucht. (Die Einschränkung bzgl. der Linux-IP-Adresse gilt hier nicht.)

    Und hier geht's zum Download.

    Gruß Thomas

    PS: Wem an der DOSBox was auffällt, der sollte mal ein Dokument drucken. Es darf auch Umlaute im Dateinamen haben 8)

  • Hallo,

    fast hätte ich das kleine "Wine"-Glas in der Dialogbox übersehen! Es wäre nett und hilfreich, wenn Du geschrieben hättest, daß Du es unter Linux im Windows-Emulator starten wolltest. Das ganze ist für Windows gemacht/gedacht und sollte auf 32/64 bit Versionen von 7-10 laufen.

    Gruß Thomas

  • Hallo Johannes,

    danke für's testen! Ich habe die fehlende Bibliothek dem Installer hinzugefügt und eine neue Version hochgeladen.

    Breadbox Ensemble Demo für Windows

    Die dynamischen Abhängigkeiten bei MinGW32-Builds unter Windows zu ermitteln ist nicht so einfach, da es kein ldd gibt. Habe es jetzt mal pragmatisch mit grep auf die EXE versucht:

    Alle DLLs aus C:\MinGW sind jetzt im Installer enthalten. Die VisualC-Runtime-DLL sollte eigentlich immer installiert sein. Hat jemand von den richtigen Programmierern vielleicht einen Tipp, wie man das korrekt auflöst?

    Gruß Thomas

  • Amazing work! I can see how all this could work if I had the skills to do it. My PC/Geos set up is a bit different due to my disability. I use virtual box and Windows 98 as a visual way for me to install and add new Geos programs and add-ons. I have spent some time trying to get this to work I must be doing something wrong since I don't know to how edit the scripts that T.Hass has given me. I am really excited that Geos has found a way to the Internet! :D :)

    Hi Brett,

    You need to have a special versions of DOSBox, they are called MegaBuild 5 or 6, in short MB5 or MB6.


  • Hi Brett,

    You need to have a special versions of DOSBox, they are called MegaBuild 5 or 6, in short MB5 or MB6.


    Is it possible to put the DOSBox Megabuild 6 up for download here at Geos-InfoBase?

    I have searched for these files for a long time, and I found them thanks to Thomas Hass, they are possible to find and download via WayBack Machine, but for how long? The Megabuilds are interesting for Geos. I have found the Windows version as Thomas have linked to, and then there is the Mac version and finally, there is also the Linux version. Link:*/*


  • Hello T.Hass
    I have tried to use dosbox networking without success. I must be doing something wrong any ideas on what it could be? I have Eethernet but it still dose not work.

    Hi Brett,

    if you want to directly connect to your host's Ethernet adaptor, you need to change the DOSBox config. It's hard to read from the screenshot, but your physical adapter seems to be No. 11. So the NE2000 section of your DOSBox configuration file should look like:


    Furthermore you have to change the IP address in BBE to one within the range of your home LAN as well as the gateway address to your router's IP. And finally clear the 'Proxy Server' setting in the WebMagic Options-dialog.


  • You need to have a special versions of DOSBox, they are called MegaBuild 5 or 6, in short MB5 or MB6.

    Dear Hans,

    the DOSBox in the Ensemble Demo I posted here also includes the networking (NE2000) patch. It's a special 'PC/GEOS' edition 8) I made for my own that is based on DOSBox 0.74 SVN from 2017. It fixes some bugs found in the MB6 version (dialing IP address, GEOS shut down bug) and handles German umlauts like the MB5 I used for the NewDeal Demo I made some years ago. Furthermore the (cool but not so usefull) Epson ESC/P2 emulation has been substituted with a bundled Ghostscript that allows printing to any Windows printer from within GEOS using the updated PS driver that is available in all versions of BBE.


  • Hi Thomas and Hans:
    I have installed Dosbox Megabuild 6. I will take a look at the Dosbox configuration file and make sure the sorce code you send me is included and I will follow the other instructions you have provided me. Hopefully this time it works! stay tuned for further updates!

  • Dear Hans,

    the DOSBox in the Ensemble Demo I posted here also includes the networking (NE2000) patch. It's a special 'PC/GEOS' edition 8) I made for my own that is based on DOSBox 0.74 SVN from 2017. It fixes some bugs found in the MB6 version (dialing IP address, GEOS shut down bug) and handles German umlauts like the MB5 I used for the NewDeal Demo I made some years ago. Furthermore the (cool but not so usefull) Epson ESC/P2 emulation has been substituted with a bundled Ghostscript that allows printing to any Windows printer from within GEOS using the updated PS driver that is available in all versions of BBE.


    Dear Hans,

    the DOSBox in the Ensemble Demo I posted here also includes the networking (NE2000) patch. It's a special 'PC/GEOS' edition 8) I made for my own that is based on DOSBox 0.74 SVN from 2017. It fixes some bugs found in the MB6 version (dialing IP address, GEOS shut down bug) and handles German umlauts like the MB5 I used for the NewDeal Demo I made some years ago. Furthermore the (cool but not so usefull) Epson ESC/P2 emulation has been substituted with a bundled Ghostscript that allows printing to any Windows printer from within GEOS using the updated PS driver that is available in all versions of BBE.


    No linux version ?


  • Hi Hans,

    No linux version ?

    Sorry not yet, because I don't use Linux on the desktop. Furthermore I got the impression that DOSEmu is the preferred solution to run GEOS on Linux because it's much faster and supports better display resolutions etc. The NE2000 patch uses linpcap and requires a similar network setup as DOSEmu + superuser privileges that causes all the trouble the DOSEmu users are complaining about...

    But if anybody wants to try to build it he can download the sources.
