NewDeal Hot Tip 1504

[Hot Tips for...] General Use

Copy and Paste Limits

Text in the Draw Layer

When copying and pasting text into a Draw layer text object, the limit is about 2400 characters.


When copying and pasting text from another application into the PCAO America Online client in message boards or email, your text cannot contain any TAB characters or certain other characters outside the ASCII 32 to ASCII 126 range.

Use Find/Replace in Text File Editor or NewWrite to replace any TABs with spaces before you try to paste into PCAO's email or message boards. For email, open the file using PCAO's CTRL+o, then hit CTRL+a to make the text into an email--that will walk around the limits in most cases.

Text File Editor

When copying and pasting text from NewWrite into Text File Editor, your text cannot contain certain characters outside the ASCII 32-127 range. Tabs and page breaks are okay.

Specifically, the following characters are not supported in Text File Editor:

ASCII ValueDescriptionKeypress
127(not used)
139 a with tilde accent Ctrl+Alt+n then a
155 o with tilde accent Ctrl+Alt+n then o
160 dagger Ctrl+Alt+t
164 section Ctrl+Alt+6
166 paragraph Ctrl+Alt+7
168 registered trademark Ctrl+Alt+r
169 copyright Ctrl+Alt+g
170 trademark Ctrl+Alt+2
171 acute accent Ctrl+Alt+e then Spacebar
172 dieresis accent Ctrl+Alt+u then Spacebar
173 not equal Ctrl+Alt+=
175 O with slash Shift+Ctrl+Alt+o
184 Pi Shift+Ctrl+Alt+p
191 o with slash Ctrl+Alt+o
194 logical not Ctrl+Alt+l (L)
198 Delta Ctrl+Alt+j
201 ellipsis Ctrl+Alt+; (semi-colon)
202 non-breaking space Alt+Spacebar
203 A with grave accent Ctrl+Alt+` then A
204 A with tilde Ctrl+Alt+n then A
205 O with tilde Ctrl+Alt+n then O
206 OE diphthong Shift+Ctrl+Alt+q
207 oe diphthong Ctrl+Alt+q
208 en dash Ctrl+Alt+- (hyphen)
209 em dash Shift+Ctrl+Alt+- (hyphen)
210 open quotes Ctrl+Alt+[ (bracket)
211 close quotes Shift+Ctrl+Alt+[ (bracket)
212 open single quote Ctrl+Alt+] (bracket)
213 close single quote Shift+Ctrl+Alt+] (bracket)
215 lozenge Shift+Ctrl+Alt+v
217 Y with dieresis accent Ctrl+Alt+u then Y
218 fraction Shift+Ctrl+Alt+3
219 general currency Shift+Ctrl+Alt+4
220 open single guillemet Shift+Ctrl+Alt+< (less than)
221 close single guillemet Shift+Ctrl+Alt+> (grtr than)
222 y with acute accent Ctrl+Alt+e then y
223 Y with acute accent Ctrl+Alt+e hen Y
224 double dagger Shift+Ctrl+Alt+t
226 single quote low Shift+Ctrl+Alt+l (L)
227 double quote low Shift+Ctrl+Alt+; (semicolon)
228 per thousand Shift+Ctrl+Alt+5
229 A with circumflex accent Ctrl+Alt+i then A
230 E with circumflex accent Ctrl+Alt+i then E
231 A with acute accent Ctrl+Alt+e then A
232 E with dieresis accent Ctrl+Alt+u then E
233 E with grave accent Ctrl+Alt+` then E
234 I with acute accent Ctrl+Alt+e then I
235 I with circumflex accent Ctrl+Alt+i then I
236 I with dieresis accent Ctrl+Alt+u then I
237 I with grave accent Ctrl+Alt+` then I
238 O with acute accent Ctrl+Alt+e then O
239 O with circumflex accent Ctrl+Alt+i then O
240not used
241 O with grave accent Ctrl+Alt+` then O
242 U with acute accent Ctrl+Alt+e then U
243 U with circumflex accent Ctrl+Alt+i then
244 U with grave accent Ctrl+Alt+` then U
245 dotless i Shift+Ctrl+Alt+i
246 circumflex Ctrl+Alt+i then Spacebar
247 tilde Ctrl+Alt+n then Spacebar
248 macron Shift+Ctrl+Alt+w
249 breve accent Shift+Ctrl+Alt+z
250 dot accent Shift+Ctrl+Alt+d
251 ring accent Shift+Ctrl+Alt+r
252 cedilla Shift+Ctrl+Alt+e
253 Hungarian umlaut Shift+Ctrl+Alt+u
254 ogonek Shift+Ctrl+Alt+y
255 caron Shift+Ctrl+Alt+s

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Last Modified 2 Mar 1999