NewDeal Technical Support Document 272

Specific Printer Notes, Okidata

This document contains notes about using Okidata printers with NewDeal software

Note: You must have NewDeal software to use NewDeal print drivers. NewDeal print drivers will not work with other Windows, OS/2, or DOS programs.
Okidata 82-a
Okidata 180
Okidata 182
OkiJet 2010
Okidata 391 in standard mode
OkiLaser 400
OkiLaser 410e
Okimate 20

Okidata 82-a

The Oki 82-a is not supported. The closest driver is the OKI Microline 92, but you will be lucky if you can get that driver to work in HIGH mode without the 82 dropping bytes, and creating a mess on the page. There are no plans to support this printer in graphics mode, but if you have to print out text, you can use the Oki 92 driver in Text Only mode for character only printing. Just remember to use only the URW Mono 12 point font throughout your document.

Okidata 180

The Okidata 180 printer, commonly used with the Commodore 64, can be used with the Star NX-10 driver.

Okidata 182

The Okidata 182 comes in 3 flavors: Oki, IBM, and TTY. TTY Stands for teletype, and our software may not work with this version. Try either the Oki ML92 (ML93 for the Oki 183) or the Oki 182 driver (which treats it like an IBM Proprinter II). In version 2.x or newer, try the Text Only (Unformatted) driver.

OkiJet 2010

The OKIJET 2010 will ONLY print from a DOS session under Windows: it will not print from a native (non-windows) DOS session. The only exception is that you can copy a print file, created by the OKIJET 2010 Windows Driver, to the OKIJET 2010, from a native DOS session.

Okidata 391 in standard mode

It's been reported that the Okidata 391, when in standard mode (i.e., not IBM or Epson), will work with the Okidata ML 92 or ML 93 driver.

OkiLaser 400

Here's how one person prints envelopes on a OkiLaser400 printer:
  1. Open a new NewWrite document, and under Page Setup, set Page Size as #10 envelope (near the bottom of the list).
  2. Set margins all the way around down to .25 inches. Leave orientation as Portrait.
  3. Hit ENTER about 6-8 times, down just past the center of the page (envelope). You may now wish to set a tab stop just left of center, or wherever you want to start the "to" address. Save this new document as a template for future use.
  4. After you set up the envelope, you're ready to print. The default paper size is U S Letter. Leave it there. Pull the wings together on the OL400, and set the envelope in so that the top is on your right side. That is, if you've put your return address in the top left corner, that end would be fed in first. Open the back for a straight paper path. Otherwise, it comes out all croggled up. Then print away!

OkiLaser 410e

The OL 410e has not been tested and is not officially supported. A customer reports that it works and that it works with the PCL Download Font driver:

"Oki claims 12 scaleable fonts. It's really three typefaces, each with the following styles: Plain, Italic, Bold, and Bold Italic. It also has a bitmapped Line printer font (about 6 pt, 17 cpi) and USPS POSTNET bar code. The URW fonts correspond to the scaleable resident fonts of the 410e, as follows:

"All these fonts scale to every point size (Oki claims .25 pt to 999.75 pt), and use all styles, including underlining. Using the Text Only option it prints quickly and cleanly."

Okimate 20

The Okimate 20 shipped with a choice of Commodore interface or IBM-compatible interface. The Okimate 20 with IBM interface has been reported to work with the IBM Proprinter driver.
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Last Modified 16 Feb 1999