NewDeal Technical Support Document 221


Spell Library, Spreadsheet, Styles, Impex, User Interface, and NewWrite Error Messages

Spell Library

SP-01: Unable to delete this word from the user dictionary. The user dictionary may contain errors or be damaged.

SP-02: You must enter the word to be added to the user dictionary first.

SP-03: This word already exists in the user dictionary.

SP-04: Unable to access the spelling dictionary. The file may be missing. You may need to reinstall the software.

SP-05: Unable to open the spelling dictionary. The file may be missing. You may need to reinstall the software.

SP-06: Unable to allocate enough memory to load the dictionary. Try closing some applications.

SP-07: Unable to load the user dictionary into memory. Try closing some applications.

SP-08: The spelling dictionary did not contain the desired language. You may need to change your dictionary preferences.

SP-09: The dictionary is full. You must delete some words from the dictionary before more words can be added.

SP-10: Unable to add this word to the user dictionary. The user dictionary file may be corrupted.

SP-11: Unable to save the user dictionary. Will restore from the last saved version.

SP-12: Unable to load the user dictionary. The user dictionary file may be damaged.

SP-13: This version of the user dictionary will not work with this version of the software.

SP-14: Unable to allocate enough memory to load the user dictionary. Try closing some applications.

TH-01: There was an error while searching for synonyms.

TH-02: An error occurred while looking for synonyms. The file "COM_THES.DIS" may be missing or contain errors. You may need to reinstall the software.

Spreadsheet Library

SS-01: The name you provided is not valid or contains invalid characters. Names can only contain letters and underscores (_).

SS-02: The definition you provided contains an invalid cell reference. Cell references have an alphabetic column and a numeric row (e.g., A1) and can be made absolute with $ signs (e.g., $A$1).

SS-03: The column portion of a cell reference in the definition is invalid. Cell references have an alphabetic column and a numeric row (e.g., A1) and can be made absolute with $ signs (e.g., $A$1).

SS-04: The row portion of a cell reference in the definition is invalid. Cell references have an alphabetic column and a numeric row (e.g., A1) and can be made absolute with $ signs (e.g., $A$1).

SS-05: No name was provided for this definition. Enter a valid name and try again.

SS-06: No definition was provided. The definition for a name consists of a valid formula, cell or range reference.

SS-07: The name you provided already exists. Enter a new name and try again.

SS-08: The definition for this name contains a mistake. It must be a valid formula, cell or range reference.

SS-09: No more names can be defined. If you wish, you can delete some unnecessary names and try again.

Styles Library

ST-01: This action would cause a style to be based on itself or on a derivative of itself, which is illegal.

ST-02: A style with this name already exists.

Impex Library

IM-00: Unable to allocate enough memory to complete the import/export operation. Try closing some applications.

IM-01: The translation library named [name] could not be opened. The file may contain errors or be damaged.

IM-02: The translation library named [name] could not be loaded. The file may contain errors or be damaged.

IM-03: There was an error in reading the translation library named [name]. The file may contain errors or be damaged.

IM-04: The library named [name] does not seem to be a valid translation library. It may contain errors or be damaged.

IM-07: There are too many open files for the import/export to proceed. You should close some files or increase the number of file handles available.

IM-08: A disk error was encountered while opening the file. The disk or file may contain errors or be damaged.

IM-10: The destination disk is full and the operation could not be completed. You may wish to free up space on the disk by deleting files, then try again.

IM-11: Unable to change to the specified folder.

IM-12: Could not create a temporary import/export holding file. The disk may be full, or it may contain errors or be damaged.

IM-13: Could not create the import/export thread.

IM-14: No translation libraries could be found. You cannot import or export without translation libraries.

TR-00: An error occurred while importing or exporting.

TR-01: The file you selected to import does not appear to be in the format you specified. You may have selected the wrong format, or the file may contain errors.

TR-04: The selected format is not currently supported for export.

TR-05: An error occurred during export.

TR-06: An error occurred while accessing a file during import or export. The file or disk may contain errors or be damaged.

TR-07: The disk is full and the operation could not be completed. You may wish to free up space on the disk by deleting files, then try again.

TR-08: An error occurred while opening a file during import or export. The file or disk may contain errors or be damaged.

TR-09: An error occurred while reading a file during import or export. The file or disk may contain errors or be damaged.

TR-10: An error occurred while writing to a file during import or export. The file or disk may contain errors or be damaged.

TR-11: The file you are trying to import or export is too large to be processed. Try splitting the file into two or more pieces and importing or exporting them one at a time.

TR-12: Unable to allocate enough memory to complete the import or export. Try closing some applications.

TR-13: An error occurred while trying to create an intermediate holding file. The disk may be full, or it may contain errors or be damaged.

TR-17: There was nothing to export. Operation aborted.

User Interface Error Messages (UI-xx)

Like operating system error messages, user interface error messages indicate a problem with the NewDeal control software, and are usually not recoverable. Restart your computer.

UI-01: The disk is too full to create the work area state file. Your hard disk is full. Delete some old files.

UI-02: Could not create state file. DOS or network error encountered.

UI-03: Unable to load the specific UI library file. You may need to re-install the software.

UI-04: Unable to open the clipboard file.

UI-05: Unable to allocate enough memory to collect pen input.

UI-06: Unable to load the Handwriting Recognition Library.

UI-07: Unable to load application.

UI-08: Unable to load print spooler. You may need to re-install the software.

UI-09: Unable to allocate undo space.

UI-12: There is not enough memory available to start this application. Free some memory by closing windows and applications you are not using. Then try again.

UI-13: The application could not be found. The file may be missing, or it may contain errors or be damaged. You may wish to re-install the software. Or, if you are attached to a network, there may be an error in the network configuration.

UI-14: An associated library file could not be found. The file may be missing, or it may contain errors or be damaged. You may wish to re-install the software. Or, if you are attached to a network, there may be an error in the network configuration.

UI-15: Could not read the disk. It may be damaged or unformatted. If this is a floppy drive, the door may not be closed or the disk may not be fully inserted. Or, if you are attached to a network, there may be an error in the network configuration.

UI-16: The application is incompatible with this version of the system software. Applications written for version 1.x of Geoworks can't be used with the newer NewDeal software.

UI-17: There is not enough room on the disk. You may want to move files not in use to another disk or delete unnecessary files.

UI-18: No working compatible video hardware found on this system. The video hardware on your computer is probably not compatible with NewDeal software.

UI-19: Unable to locate the expected disk. The drive in which it was located no longer exists. If you are attached to a network, there may be an error in the network configuration or you may not be logged in properly.

UI-20: Unable to locate the expected disk. There is not enough memory to keep track of the disk. Close some windows or applications to free up memory, then try again.

UI-21: Unable to locate the expected disk. The drive in which the disk is located is otherwise occupied. You may wish to try again later.

UI-22: Unable to locate the expected disk. You are not connected to the appropriate server to which the disk belongs.

UI-23: Unable to locate the expected disk. You do not have permission to use the appropriate network disk volume.

UI-24: Unable to locate the expected disk. There is no free drive letter to which the network disk may be mapped.

UI-25: Unable to open the shared token database file using the path specified in the GEOS.INI. Restart your computer. You may need to re-install your software.

UI-26: Unable to open the local token database file in the PRIVDATA folder. Try deleting the file. Restart your computer. You may need to re-install your software.

UI-27: The shared token database file on the path specified in the GEOS.INI file is out of date and must be replaced. Restart your computer. You may need to re-install your software.

UI-28: The system is shutting down. There's too much activity already in progress. Please close active applications and try again.

UI-29: Clipboard transfer aborted.

UI-30: The connection to the remote machine was broken. Clipboard transfer aborted.

UI-31: Could not open a connection to the other machine. Your system may not be configured correctly, Clipboard transfer aborted.

UI-32: Could not open a connection to the other machine. Clipboard transfer aborted.

UI-33: The connection has not been setup in Preferences. Clipboard transfer aborted.

UI-34: Unable to load the net library. You may need to reinstall the software.

UI-35: Could not load the COMM driver. The file may be missing, or your system may not be configured correctly.

UI-36: Could not establish a connection to the remote machine. Clipboard transfer aborted.

UI-37: The remote connection is already in use by another application or device. Clipboard transfer aborted.

NewWrite Errors

WR-01: Text cannot be deleted across sections. Select the relevant parts of each section and delete them individually.

WR-02: A section with this name already exists.

WR-03: Cannot delete this flow region. Your master page must have at least one region into which it can flow text.

WR-04: Cannot delete this flow region. Your page must have at least one region into which it can flow text.

WR-05: No data was found to merge. Data you wish to merge must be placed on the clipboard. Use the Copy or Export command in the application where data is stored.

WR-06: There are no fields to be found on the clipboard. The data on the clipboard may not be the right type for merging. Be sure you are correctly using the Copy or Export command in the application where the data is stored.

WR-07: A merge field specified in your document was not found in the merge data. The field names must match exactly. Check to see that all field names are correctly spelled and that the merge data is correct also.

WR-08: An error was encountered while merging. The operation could not be completed.

WR-09: The page setup values that you entered will result in columns that are too narrow. Try reducing the number of columns or the column spacing or the page margin settings or increasing the page width.

WR-10: Some of the names for help are too long. Would you like them to be truncated? The name [name] could not be truncated.

WR-11: Could not find the help compression library. You may need to re-install your software.

WR-12: Could not allocate enough memory to process the help file. Try closing some applications.

WR-13: Encountered a compaction error while processing the help file.

WR-13: The page setup values that you entered will result in columns that are too short. Try reducing the page margin settings or increasing the page height.

WR-14: The page size values that you entered will result in columns that are too narrow. Try increasing the page width.

WR-15: The page size values that you entered will result in columns that are too short. Try increasing the page height.

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Last Modified 17 Feb 1999