NewDeal Technical Support Document 221


NewPlanner, Parse Library, Preferences, Scrapbook, and Printer Error Messages

NewPlanner Errors (Some of these messages use the same error codes as Parse Library errors. See below.)

PL-01: The chosen day and month combination can never occur. Please select again.

PL-02: Unable to connect with NewDex.

PL-03: You must open a NewPlanner document before you can search for text from NewDex.

PL-04: NewPlanner can only display dates between 1900 and 9999.

PL-05: Please enter a Start Time that is earlier than the End Time.

PL-06: The description for this event is getting too long. Some text may not be saved. Try separating the information into several events.

PL-07: The description for this event is too long. Some of the text at the end of the event has been deleted.

PL-08: The selected days contain more events than can be displayed in the window. Please select a smaller range of days.

PL-09: The event time [number] is invalid. It has been changed back to [number].

PL-10: The "From" date must be earlier than the "To" date.

PL-11: NewPlanner can't display more than 1000 events at once. Please select a smaller range of days.

PL-12: The month is too small to hold event text. Do you want the empty month printed anyway? The year is too small to be printed. Try a larger page size.

Parse Library Error Messages

PL-01: The formula you have entered has a mistake. It may contain a typo with a numerical digit or other error. Check the formula carefully for errors.

PL-02: The formula you have entered has a mistake. It may contain an invalid cell reference or other error. Check the formula carefully for errors.

PL-03: There is a missing or extra quotation mark. Ensure that you have an equal number of opening and closing quotation marks.

PL-04: The formula you have entered has a mistake. There may be a cell reference that is too large. The column and cell of a cell reference cannot be greater than IV:8192.

PL-05: The formula you have entered has a mistake. There may be a cell reference that is too large. The column and cell of a cell reference cannot be greater than IV:8192.

PL-06: The formula you have entered has a mistake. It may contain a function, cell reference, or operator that does exist or is not allowed. Check the formula carefully for errors. Check Preferences, International, Number, Edit and make sure the List Separator matches the character you are using in your forumulas.

PL-07: The formula you have entered has a mistake. Check the formula carefully for errors.

PL-08: This formula is too complex (too many operators and functions). Try breaking it down into smaller parts or simplifying it.

PL-09: The formula you have entered has a mistake. It may be that a function in this formula is missing an opening or closing parenthesis. Check the formula carefully for matching parentheses.NT>

PL-10: There are names in this formula that have not yet been defined. But they can't be defined because there are already too many. you will need to delete some unused names or use regular cell references in this formula to continue.

PL-11: This formula is too complex (out of stack space). Try breaking it down into smaller parts or simplifying it.

PL-12: There are too many names dependent on each other in this expression. Try breaking the expression down into simpler parts.

PL-13: There are too many cell references that depend on each other in this expression. Try breaking the expression down into simpler parts.

Preference Options Error Messages (PR-xx)

These error messages are related to Preference settings that you have made.

PR-01: Unable to locate the requested video display hardware. Check that the video display hardware is powered on and the cable connections are secure. You may get this message if you are attempting to change the video options to a setting your hardware does not support.

PR-02: Unable to load a driver for the requested video display hardware. The driver is missing or damaged.

PR-03: No dictionaries found. The files may be missing or damaged.

PR-04: The printer is busy. The printer is probably switched off-line. Try switching it on-line.

PR-04: The decimal and list separators must be different.

PR-05: The entered data is incorrect. The form is month (mm) /day (dd) /year (yyyy).

PR-05: Your format cannot contain two months, days, or years.

PR-06: The entered data is incorrect. You must use an "am" or "pm" when requesting the 12-hour time format.

PR-06: You cannot use a 12 hour time format without an "am" and "pm."

PR-07: The clipboard currently contains text that cannot be used for a background. You need to go back and select it with the pointer tool, then copy it to the clipboard and try again.

PR-08: The file cannot be overwritten because it's currently in use or is a Read Only file.

PR-09: Unable to create the background file because the disk is full.

PR-10: Unable to create the background file because of a DOS or network error.

Preferences Library Errors

PRC-01: The port doesn't appear to exist or is set for a different interrupt level than you specified.

PRC-02: The port is currently in use, so you may not change its interrupt level.

PRC-03: You cannot assign the same interrupt level to more than one port, as you've attempted to do with [this port] and another parallel port.

PRC-04: WARNING: When you installed this software, the setup program detected a TSR or device driver in your CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT that is incompatible with extended memory. Unless you are certain this TSR or device driver has been removed, you should not enable use of extended memory from this program.

Scrapbook Errors

SC-01: Invalid scrapbook file.

SC-02: This scrap format cannot be viewed in Scrapbook.

SC-03: Not enough memory to paste scrap. Close some windows or applications to free up memory.

SC-04: Not enough memory to cut scrap. Close some windows or applications to free up memory.

SC-05: Not enough memory to copy scrap. Close some windows or applications to free up memory.

Printer Error Messages (SL-xx)

The SL error messages occur when you print documents. Often they indicate a temporary condition that you can correct.

SL-01: The printer is not responding. Click OK to try printing again or Cancel to quit.

SL-02: The printer [name] is warming up.

SL-03: The printer is warming up.

SL-04: The printer [name] needs to be serviced.

SL-05: The printer needs to be serviced.

SL-06: Check the paper feed error on the printer [name]. Click OK to continue printing.

SL-07: Check the paper feed error on the printer. Click OK to continue printing.

SL-08: The printer [name] is not responding and may be off-line. Return the printer to on-line status and click OK to try again or Cancel to quit.

SL-09: The printer is not responding and may be off-line. Return the printer to on-line status and click OK to try again or Cancel to quit.

SL-10: The printer [name] is out of paper. Refill the paper tray and click OK to continue.

SL-11: The printer is out of paper. Refill the paper tray and click OK to continue.

SL-12: The printer [name] is out of toner. Replace the toner and click OK to continue.

SL-13: The printer is out of toner. Replace the toner and click OK to continue.

SL-14: The printer [name] is off-line. Switch the printer on-line and click OK to continue, or Cancel to quit.

SL-15: The printer is off-line. Switch the printer on-line and click OK to continue, or Cancel to quit.

SL-16: The printer [name] needs attention. Check the printer connections and make sure it is on-line. You may have to turn the printer off and then on again. When the printer is ready, click OK to resume printing or click Cancel to stop printing this document.

SL-17: The printer needs attention. Check the printer connections and make sure it is on-line. You may have to turn the printer off and then on again. When the printer is ready, click OK to resume printing or click Cancel to stop printing this document.

SL-18: The printer [name] on the [number] port is not responding. Check the printer connections and click OK to try again or Cancel to quit.

SL-19: The printer is not responding. Check the printer connections and click OK to try again or Cancel to quit.

SL-20: The spool file has been deleted. Please print the document again.

SL-21: Couldn't load the driver for printer [name]. Free up some memory by closing windows and applications you're not using. If you're still unable to print, the driver may have been deleted and you should try reinstalling the software.

SL-22: Couldn't load the print driver. Free up some memory by closing windows and applications you're not using. If you're still unable to print, the driver may have been deleted and you should try reinstalling the software.

SL-23: Couldn't load the printer port driver. Free up some memory by closing windows and applications you're not using. If you're still unable to print, the driver may have been deleted and you should try reinstalling the software.

SL-24: No printers have been installed. Before you can print, you need to install the printer (or printers) you will be using.

SL-25: Printer [name] can't be used to print this type of file. The print mode (graphics or text) doesn't match. Try using another printer.

SL-26: The printer can't be used to print this type of file. The print mode (graphics or text) doesn't match. Try using another printer.

SL-27: There is not enough memory to print. Click OK to try again, or click Cancel to quit. You should close some windows or quit some applications to free up some memory before trying to print again.

SL-28: Couldn't print. The VIDMEM driver was not found and may have been deleted and you should try reinstalling the software.

SL-29: Couldn't print because the port is currently in use. Try again later.

SL-30: The printer is not responding. Check the printer connections and try again. If you're still unable to print, check the printer settings.

SL-31: The communications port for this printer is not working. Please select another port or make sure this port is working.

SL-32: The printer [printer name] needs attention. Your print job has been canceled. Check the printer connections and make sure it is on-line. You may have to turn the printer off and then on again. When the printer is ready, resubmit your job.

SL-33: The printer needs attention. Your print job has been canceled. Check the printer connections and make sure it is on-line. You may have to turn the printer off and then on again. When the printer is ready, resubmit your job.

SL-34: The disk containing the output file is full. You need more room on the disk to which you are trying to print. Try removing old files from your disk to make room, or try printing the file to another disk.

SL-35: A file system error occurred writing the output file. Try printing to a file again. Check that your disk is not full.

SL-36: The output file cannot be opened. You may be trying to overwrite a file that is write protected. Try using another file name, or try placing the file in another folder.

SL-37: Unable to convert page [number]. You are probably out of disk space.

SL-38: Unable to convert document page. You are probably out of disk space.

SL-39: There isn't enough memory to print right now. Please exit some applications, then print the document again.

SL-39: No printers have been installed.

SL-40: All the installed printers have become unusable. Use Preferences, Printer to delete them and reinstall the printers.

SL-41: Couldn't load the print driver: Free up some memory by closing windows and applications you're not using. If you're still unable to print, the driver may have been deleted and you should try reinstalling Geos.

SL-42: Couldn't find the printer: Use Preferences, Printer to delete and reinstall this printer.

SL-43: Couldn't use the printer: Use Preferences, Printer to delete and reinstall this printer. If you're still unable to print, try reinstalling Geos.

SL-44: The selected printer can't print this type of document. Choose a printer that supports the print mode (graphics or text) used by this document.

SL-45: There is not enough space for the printer software to function. Try exiting to DOS and restarting Geos. If this doesn't work, you should remove some files and try to print again.

SL-46: Your print request has been aborted, because there is not enough space to complete the print job. Remove some files and try to print again.

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Last Modified 17 Feb 1999