NewDeal Technical Support Document 221


Database Error Messages

Database Library Errors

FF-01: Memory is full. Requested action cannot be completed. Try closing some windows or applications to free up memory.

FF-02: Default value for Integer/Real Number must be a number.

FF-03: Min value is not a valid date.

FF-04: Min value is not a valid time.

FF-05: Min value is not a valid integer.

FF-06: Min value is not a valid number.

FF-07: Max value is not a valid date.

FF-08: Max value is not a valid time.

FF-09: Max value is not a valid integer.

FF-10: Max value is not a valid number.

FF-11: Max value for Integer/Real Number must be a number.

FF-12: Min value cannot be greater than max value.

FF-13: Default value cannot be less than min value.

FF-14: Default value cannot be greater than max value.

FF-15: A field with this name already exists in the database. Please change the name to something different.

FF-16: There are already 256 fields defined for this database, which is the maximum number allowed. The new field was not added.

FF-17: There is a problem with a number's exponent in this expression.

FF-18: A reference to a nonexistent cell was encountered in this expression.

FF-19: A closing quotation mark is missing in this expression.

FF-20: A column number is too large in this expression.

FF-21: A row reference is too large in this expression.

FF-22: An illegal token was encountered while parsing this expression.

FF-23: A general parser error occurred while checking this expression.

FF-24: This expression is too complex (too many tokens). Try to break it up into two or more expressions.

FF-25: An open-parenthesis is missing from this expression.

FF-26: A closing parenthesis is missing from this expression.

FF-27: The parser couldn't make sense of this expression.

FF-28: The parser didn't expect any more characters after the end of this expression.

FF-29: There is a mismatched parenthesis in this expression.

FF-30: Encountered an unknown field name in this expression.

FF-31: This expression is too complex (ran out of name space). Try to break it up into two or more expressions.

FF-32: This expression is too complex (ran out of stack space). Try to break it up into two or more expressions.

FF-33: This expression is too complex (name nesting too deep). Try to break it up into two or more expressions.

FF-34: A relative row reference is out of range in this expression.

FF-35: A relative column reference is out of range in this expression.

FF-36: A nonexistent function was encountered in this expression.

FF-37: A function has the wrong number of arguments in this expression.

FF-38: A function's argument is of the wrong type in this expression.

FF-39: A division by zero (which isn't allowed) was encountered in this expression.

FF-40: An undefined name was encountered in this expression.

FF-41: A circular reference was encountered in this expression. Make sure that an expression doesn't refer to itself through other expressions.

FF-42: A reference to a circular name dependency was encountered in this expression.

FF-43: A number is too big or too small in this expression.

FF-44: A general error occurred while evaluating this expression.

FF-45: Positive infinity.

FF-46: Negative infinity.

FF-47: Computational error.

FF-48: This value should be between [value] and [value]

FF-49: This [type of] value should not be less than [value].

FF-50: This [type of] value should not be greater than [value].

FF-51: This is not a valid [type of] value.

FF-52: The expression defined for field [name] depends on another expression that, in turn, depends on [name]. This is called a `circular dependency,' and makes both expressions unusable. You might want to change this before continuing.

FF-53: The import file has too many fields. Do you want to continue and import only 256 fields?

FF-54: Import file has cell data type clash. The import process will be aborted.

FF-55: Import file contains a field data that is too big. Do you still want to continue? If you answer yes, you will lose part of the field data.

FF-56: Memory is full. Import cannot be completed. Try closing some windows or applications to free up memory.

FF-57: Some fields have been pasted into a multi-record layout. Since fields are only allowed to be pasted into single-record layouts, the new fields will be inserted as ordinary pieces of text.

FF-58: Some fields that have been pasted into this layout are copies of fields that do not currently exist in the database. They will not show up in the layout.

FF-59: The import file has too many records. Only 8,192 records will be imported.

FF-60: You cannot move more than 20 fields at one time.

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Last Modified 17 Feb 1999